Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Success always comes when preparation meets opportunity.

That quote applies to so many areas of our life - work,  raising children,  diet, exercise  - you name it!  Here's another quote that underscores the reward of planning. . .. "for every minute spent organizing an hour is earned." Or how about this one, "if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting." Without a plan it is difficult to make the kind of changes in our lives that lead us down the path to better health. If your goal is to lose weight, develop muscle tone or you just want to feel better,  you need a plan.  Once you have a plan you implement it, once you implement your plan you are on the road to success and victory.  One last quote before I offer some suggestions -  SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS.

Daily Routines: You may need to get up earlier to prepare your lunch or squeeze in a workout. You may need to give up watching TV after work and go for a walk instead. Are you willing to do this?

Your Pantry:  If you want to be healthy, you may need to get rid of those foods you just can't resist.  Replace any sugary and salty snacks with foods like nuts, fruits, vegetables.   Keeping your pantry stocked with healthy snacks will help you resist high fat foods when you are ready for a snack.

Your Schedule: If you're not willing to sit down and plan the way you live each day to include exercise, time to plan, prepare and consume healthy meals, and time to nurture yourself with sleep, it's hard to lose weight.

More Tips: Spend more time in the grocery store reading foods labels; spend more time planning and preparing meals, learn to replace high fat foods with low fat such as plain greek yogurt for mayonnaise, or greek yogurt with honey and fruit and nuts for ice cream, say no to extra portions, make conscious choices about what you put in your mouth. No skipping meals or delaying lunch until you're ravenous.  Keep your metabolism stoked with  healthy snacks. Keep a bag packed and ready to hit the gym. Read my blog :-))


  1. Success needs hard work and it is hard to get but not impossible. Your article is very inspiring and provides motivation for exercise.

  2. Dear Beth,
    The coaching you gave me on the airplane Nov 30 to Ontario has gotten me excited about maintaining a higher level of fitness at age 67. The day after I returned home I added push ups and the 10 second count supporting myself on palms and toes. I did 10 push ups barely and did a week 10 second count.
    Since I have gotten to 10 push ups, a 10 second count and 5 more push ups and with what I imagine to be better form. So thank you. I will continue. Bill Crocker

  3. Bill - so great to read your post and to know you've incorporated some of the things we talked about into your daily routine. One thing is for sure - you will improve and get better by continuing to push yourself to do what you can - one day at a time! Please keep me posted on your progress!!
