Monday, September 13, 2010

Burn Fat Faster with Interval Training

If you' re struggling with shedding unwanted fat try kicking up your cardio with interval training.  What is interval training and how does it work you ask? It's all about lactic acid, oxygen debt and recovery.  Now, to go into too much detail about all that would be more about eyes glazing over, zoning out , mind numbing blog reading. So as not to have this blog read like a biology text-book I'm going to give an overview and a link if you're interested in the mind numbing, glazed over experience.

When you break into an all out sprint your body can't supply oxygen at a rate fast enough to fuel the muscle.  Think about it. When you're in a full on sprint there's no steady breathing in and out like when you're doing your walk/run/jog.  But the body is amazing and during this sprint it calls on another system (anaerobic) to assist with providing energy to the muscle.

Anaerobic exercise such as this not only burns more calories but continues to burn calories after you stop.  When you do aerobic exercise (walk/run/jog)  you stop burning calories when you stop the activity.  Weight lifting is considered anaerobic exercise vs aerobic or cardiovascular exercise.

So, obviously, we can't go for an all out sprint for 30 minutes or even 15 minutes but you can for 15 seconds. Hence "interval." It goes like this:

Warm up with a power walk for 10 minutes. Think about straight posture, long strides and heels to the ground first. Start at a slow pace and increase the pace every 1 minute.  After ten minutes slow your pace back to start and keep this pace for 60 seconds. Next a full on jog for 30 seconds and then a sprint for 15 seconds.  Walk to recover until you totally have your breath back.  Repeat this interval training 4 times with the subsequent sets starting with the 60 second  slow paced power walk, to 30 second jog, to 15 second sprint to walking for full recovery.

1. Ten minute power walk starting slow and increasing speed every 1 minute as a warm up
2. 60 seconds of power walk at the slow/start speed
3. 30 second jog
4. 15 second sprint
5. Walk for full recovery until you have your breath back
6. Repeat 4 times starting with step 2


  1. Ummm ... very interesting. I've been so frustrated with my muffin tops. I really don't want to lose weight overall, I just want to get rid of my spare tire. I walk 5/6 days a week and could easily incorporate interval training. Is that what this post addresses, because my midsection is where I carry most of my fat?

  2. i love this new way to exercise. not only does it make complete sense, but sweating feels so good. i never sweat anymore, not even if i jog. adding a few sprints in will sure to do the trick

  3. Yes, it's true as we get older our fat actually shifts from other parts of our body and lands right in our midsection! Cruel. And unfortunately shedding fat overall is the only way to shrink the middle. Interval training will burn more calories as it will get your metabolism (breathing and heart rate during the sprint and recovering from the sprint) operating at a higher rate.

    I'd love to hear how it goes and you really can get max affect by doing your interval 3x a week and keep your walking routine on the other days.

  4. Question for you Paige. I find it awkward sprinting or jogging with the balls of my feet hitting the ground first rather than heels. Even though I can see how it would increase your speed (I think) Here comes the question - when you played soccer were you ever coached on how to run when you're in a sprint?

  5. Bummer ... I can't stand the way my neck and jowls look when I lose weight. If I were brave I'd have liposuction.

  6. hmmmmm fat in face good. Plumps those wrinkles right up. I've never noticed any neck or jowl thing going on with you???!!

  7. no, never was taught to run correctly. i think if you couldn't run well, per se, you sure as heck wouldn't have played!

  8. Yea, my sprints seem fine without trying to hit with balls of feet first. Think I'll edit my post as I don't won't anyone to hurt themselves. Thanks
