Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Would You Spend $492 on a Jar of Honey?

Manuka honey from New Zealand is considered the cadillac of honeys. The FDA has recently approved its use in wound and burn care in the US. It has been used for several years as an antimicrobial wound dressing in its native New Zealand, Great Britain, Australia and Canada.

It tastes really good too. I have splurged once on a $40 jar which I bought at Whole Foods. In researching for my post today I found jars priced anywhere from $14 to a whopping $492! The price varies based on its content of UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) which is the level of antimicrobial qualities. Whether you buy Manuka or something from your local store the key is to buy raw (unheated) organic honey. The processed and refined versions can promote disease and will not have the same benefits as raw honey. I would use it for wound care if needed but mostly I like it in my tea or to satisfy my sweet tooth by using it as a dip for apples, rice cakes, etc.

But besides tasting good and using it for wound care it was used as therapy in fighting infection up until the early 20th century when penicillin hit the scene. Raw honey contains enzymes that aid in digestion. It has all the B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, D, E, and amino acids. Plus numerous trace minerals such as copper and iron. If you are interested in learning more here is a great article that goes into more detail about the many health benefits of honey.

One last word. Bees, by pollinating trees and crops, are true sustainers of life on earth. Without their tireless service, we would not be able to feed ourselves. I'll think twice before I take out a can of hairspray to halt the fluttering around me activity of these sometimes pesky creatures.


  1. you are a wealth of beneficial information! i had no idea of the health benefits of honey. i just buy honey in the bear shaped jar to make my salad dressings, but not anymore!
