Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The A Team of Vitamins!

I'm so happy I went through this process of researching each and every vitamin that is in my cupboard. I have for years bought separately - Vitamin E, B, C, D3, Resveratrol, CoQ10 and a multi-vitamin. Without doing the homework I thought more of these super vitamins would be better. Never occurred to me that too much C and E could be toxic or that my body just excreted the extra B since I was getting all my body could use in food and my multi-vitamin.

Also understanding bioavailability vs synthetic was huge for me. Thanks to Michelle Poliski I became familiar with two great sources for natural, whole food vitamins, Defense Nutrition and Dr. Mercola

So, I can now introduce my A team with the comfort of knowing my team provides all of the required vitamins without going overboard. They are natural, whole food vitamins that my body can absorb. In addition, I've added a couple of extras, CoQ10 and Resveratrol. Their benefits seem undisputed and I like the added value they bring to the team. So, without further adieu, meet the A team!

Whole Foods Multi-Vitamin from Dr. Mercola
This along with a healthy diet provides RDA of the standards such as B, C and E and then some!

Vitamin D
According to Dr. Michael Holick of Boston University School of Medicine, most individuals who live north of Los Angeles (about 90%) are Vitamin D deficient. This post would be way to long if I were to list the various roles vitamin D plays in specific diseases so please go here for an excellent article.

This is a not vitamin but rather a naturally occurring compound in your body and is required to produce energy. Levels of CoQ10 diminish as we age so it makes sense to replenish this important compound as it also boosts our immune system, and protects us from damage caused by free radials (among other things).

I posted on this yesterday and there are too many studies on this unique antioxidant for me not to want it on my team. This falls into the "if it doesn't hurt but may help" category so Resveratrol - you're hired!

I hope this series has been helpful to you as well. Thank you to all my followers and I love to read your comments so please let me hear from you. Happy Wednesday!


  1. thanks for doing all the research for us out here! i am going to incorporate the resveratrol into my routine.

  2. I'm going from 7 different vitamins a day to 4. Feels like Spring cleaning!

  3. Nice blog , thanks for sharing your research of each vitamin. People who find difficulty in sleeping Berry Sleepy has several vitamins and natural aids to sleep. Know natural remedies to sleep and enjoy sleeping through these natural pills.

    Vitamins for Sleep
