Monday, May 31, 2010

Think about boosting you immune system by just sleeping?

It's true. What could be easier than getting a good night's sleep to take care of your health? (I realize as I write sleeping is not easy for everyone but read on for tips).

There is so much material written on this topic that it's hard to condense all the relevant information into one post. It's probably no surprise to anyone that developed countries have reduced the average night's sleep from 9 hours to 7.5 hours since the turn of the century (20th that is) We've given up sleep to make room for work and leisure. People who trade sleep for work or play may get used to it and feel less fatigued but the wear and tear on the body continues. It's just my guess (and not implying it has anything to do with sleep) that the number of attention deficit individuals has also increased since the turn of century. I'm included in that number which is why I'm offering up a "Did You Know" list rather than a lengthy post.

Did You Know?
Adequate sleep boosts your immune system. Studies on certain vaccines show antibodies double in participants who get plenty of sleep vs those that are sleep-deprived.

GH or growth hormone declines with inadequate sleep (related to reduced muscle mass, increased fat tissue, weakened immunity to infection)

Cortisol increases with inadequate sleep (resulting in negative effects on memory, metabolism, and insulin levels)

Research with 70,000 women for 10 years showed a 34% increase in diabetes for those that slept 5 hours or less each night

Chronic sleep loss may speed the onset of age related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and memory loss.

Sleeping less than 7 hours each night creates a sleep debt

Resuming sleep patterns of 7 to 9 hours each night restores our chemical balance

Avoiding grain and sugar before bed snacks helps promote sleep

Eating a high protein snack hours before bedtime helps produce melatonin

Sleeping in complete darkness promotes sleep

Listening to white noises promotes sleep

Daily exercise promotes sleep

Journaling before bedtime can help your mind wind down

In summary, sleep should be a priority in your life as it plays a dramatic role in your overall health - much like proper nutrition and regular exercise. Without enough sleep your body will be challenged to reach its optimal state of health.


  1. amen to sleep! i get about 8-9 hours every night and for the most part sleep really well. nothing is more frustrating than a poor nights sleep. i sleep in a very dark room, with white noise and i feel it helps significantly. problem is, i'm dependent on it. so when i travel, i have to pack my "noise machine"

  2. Wow. Good for you Paige and I think smart to bring your white noise with you on trips. Interesting what classifies as good noise and what's bad noise. I just sat next to someone in a waiting room that popped their gum and I thought I was going to jump out of my skin! Guess it wouldn't be cool to bring your white noise with you around town.

  3. i'm with you on the noise thing. i simply can't even go to the movie theater anymore because i think i might get in a fight with someone who is eating popcorn!

  4. OMG - I seriously gave up movies for the endless noises that people make. What's wrong with me??!! Could be genetic.

  5. Going through memopause caused horrible insomnia for me. I went to my internist to get some Ambient, but before he would right the script, he made me listen to him concerning good sleep habits. (Yeh, yeh, give me script doc!) That night I took the Ambient, but began setting up my new bedtime routine. It includes much what you shared and honestly it works. A friend of mine plays suduko before bedtime ... says it clears and rests her brain for sleep.

  6. I too have a noise machine to sleep with, and a travel one for out of town sleep. I can here myslef think without it.
    Thanks for the info! (PS don't get me started with the gum poppers) ;^)
