Monday, July 19, 2010

Why do I continue to eat when I'm full? Part II

My last blog would have been way too long had I tried to cover more than the sugar component of overeating. So today I would like to touch on the emotional component For many food is closely tied to emotions so much so that it can turn from that which nourishes and provides sustenance to that which causes harm. The key to losing weight and living a healthy life is to take control of the emotional challenges that are sabotaging your food choices.

Negative emotions or memories can prompt your taste buds to crave fattening grains and sugars to the point of addiction. The cycle is further encouraged on a metabolic level, where your digestion and metabolism overwhelmed by an excess of grains and sugars, tell your body to store fat.

The hard part of breaking the cycle is not understanding which foods to eat or avoid. We all know we should be eating lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. The battle is with our own emotions. If you are feeling sad, lonely, anxious, or angry or are in need of comfort, sex, compassion or calm you may turn to quick and frequently unhealthy food as a way to cope with these feelings. And worse, you're not even hungry!

I wish I could provide the solution to managing these feelings right here in my blog. But of course I can't. Daily exercise however is a powerful stress reliever regardless of what is behind the stress. In addition to the power, confidence, and health benefits of cardiovascular and strength training, yoga provides a great workout along with calm moments of meditation.

Flash back to a blog in which I quoted a favorite expression "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Start today by doing something different that breaks the cycle. It could be joining a gym, signing up with a personal trainer, going for a walk, attend a yoga class, skipping the daily something that you know adds unneeded and unwanted calories. It will feel good. Time flies, and if you think of this as something you will address one day at a time, (rather than achieving the end result is just too overwhelming) you will find yourself feeling good and motivated to keep up the great work!

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