Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Diet and Exercise for your Brain!

You're never to young to think about keeping your brain sharp. Lifestyle choices not only affect your heart, lungs, muscles, joints, strength, flexibility and on and on. . .those choices impact your brain as well. Here are changes you can make if needed and if you're already engaged in these activities - right on!

Know your "numbers" and keep them in check: High cholesterol and high blood pressure puts you at risk for memory problems. So understand these numbers and keep them under control.

Get more blood to your brain: That means sweating a little! For each heart beat, 25% of the blood goes to the brain so when you're engaged in physical activity you're feeding your brain!

Fill your plate with color: The most colorful foods (berries, deep green, etc.) carry the most antioxidants which help rid the body of disease causing free radicals.

Choose smart supplements: In addition to a healthy diet there are supplements which are brain boosting. CoQ10 is one which I reviewed in my vitamin series. To read about this supplement you can check out my May 16 blog. Also, alpha-lipoic acid helps regenerate antioxidants so they can fight off free radicals. Alpha-lipoic comes in supplements and can also be found in spinach and other foods.

Snack on unsalted nuts: Your brain is made up of 50% fat so you definitely need to eat some fat to keep the brain functioning well. But remember not all fats are created equal. Choose healthy fats that can be found in nuts, salmon, tuna, sardines, olive oil, walnuts, avocado.

Have a cocktail! The benefits of alcohol seem to vacillate but most recent studies indicate moderate alcohol benefits the brain. Operative word here is "moderate".

Schedule down time: In today's fast paced environment our brain needs to work overtime to keep up. This can equal stress which if chronic can do damage to the body and brain. Make a habit EVERYDAY to have quiet time, even just for a few minutes. Take a walk, sit on a park bench, play an instrument.

Pray: Connect with your own spirituality. Research shows that people who attend formal worship live longer, healthier lives. I attend Mt Paran Church of God and I never leave that I don't feel renewed, positive and loved. All good feelings! There is a new field in medicine called neurotheology which studies the neurological activity of the brain during spiritual experiences.

Plan a night out with friends: Building emotional connections with others helps stave off dementia.

Last but not least "Become a World Traveler": While it might seem self indulgent it exposes your brain to complex and unique environments which stimulates the brain. Similar to the stimulation you get from playing board games, reading, writing or learning a new language. But much more fun!!

Let's have a cocktail tonight in honor of brain power!


  1. ooh, i love the "world traveler" part. makes sense, really. you figure most come and go during the day, traveling the same old route.
    ( i know i do at least) getting out and seeing new sights and hearing different languages is bound to help the brain.

  2. Really. Just figuring out another city's transportation system taxes (I mean stimulates) my brain!
