Thursday, July 29, 2010

Healing Foods - Cabbage, a real superstar!

I remember in the 90's a "cabbage soup" diet that was going around. It was a very hearty soup that included numerous "healing foods" with the primary ingredient being cabbage. It seemed to work and was the rage in the hotel I was working at the time. The idea was to make a very large amount and then the soup was pretty much all you ate for x number meals for x number of days. It got results as I recall but then again most diets do if you stick to them. The problem of course is they are only a temporary fix. So I'm not advocating cabbage soup for weight loss but I am advocating getting cabbage in your diet on a regular if not daily basis. It's that good for you!

Cabbage (red cabbage especially) contains high levels of antioxidant sulforaphanes that not only fight free radicals before they damage DNA but also stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens in the body. It's this one-two approach that makes cabbage (and other cruciferous vegetables) more effective at reducing the risk of cancer than any other plant food group.

Cabbage also builds strong bones, dampens allergic reactions, reduces inflammation, and promotes gastrointestinal health. Cabbage has a high glutamine content. I take glutamine as a supplement as it gets depleted when you stress your body (a hard work out demands a lot from your body and depletes glutamine). Typically your body produces enough but if you work out and are interested in reading more about glutamine check out this article.

A great recipe for cabbage,like carrots, proved difficult. I need my recipes to be easy. It's one thing to cook for a special occasion but my everyday meals need to be simple as I'm not going to spend hours prepping each day. So the problem isn't finding a great recipe but rather a great AND easy recipe. I've listed a couple that look and sound really good. And, once again, I'd love to hear from you guys if you have a favorite recipe as I definitely want to start including cabbage in my diet on a regular basis!

Recipe one

What I like about recipe two is you could make your candied walnuts and dressing whenever and store so that when you decide to make the salad you don't have to start from scratch, therefore, "easy."


  1. These recipe is excellent to share with us. But in every day meals it is not be possible because in meal we will some simple meal. These can be cook only in a special occasion only.
    cabbage soup diet

  2. when i make fish tacos, i always make a cabbage slaw to top them with. i buy one red and white cabbage. slice in think strands, add one diced jalapeno, shred one carrot, toss in about 1 tablespoon of celery seed, one clove of minced garlic, and about 1/3 cup of white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. low fat, healthy, and delicious! not your typical mayo based slaw.

  3. And it includes another healing food - carrots. All of these foods complement each other.

    I now think about including foods I have been overlooking. Thanks for another great recipe!
