Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Time to get your move on

We don't grow too old to exercise but rather grow old from lack of exercise. So let's decide to show Father Time who's boss otherwise he'll do to us whatever he wants and we just can't have that. Can we? So if you aren't already doing a minimum of 30 minutes a day of cardiovascular exercise, let today be the day you start. Everyone needs the benefits of cardio - couch potatoes, heavy duty weight lifters, youths, seniors, diabetics, asthmatics, visually impaired. . . everyone. Most physicians would state categorically that it is the most important component of physical fitness. It's how our bodies can efficiently deliver oxygen to muscles, it's what strengthens our heart and lungs so that they can efficiently expel waste products such as carbon dioxide and metabolic waste. If you're just starting out and 30 minutes is too much then break it into 3-10 minute sessions. Don't make it hard - walk, jog, run before or after work; find stairs at work and go there 3 times and spend 10 minutes each time going up and down; dance, bike, swim. The choices of cardiovascular exercise are endless. If you are concerned about impact I recommend a stationary bike or swimming as they are least harmful to the joints.

Ok, enough said. I leave you today with a list of benefits and encourage you to let today be the day that you Just Do It (sorry Nike)!

Increases your level of available energy (who doesn't need more energy)
Aids in relieving depression (impossible to feel depressed while engaging in cardiovascular exercise)
Prevents certain types of cancer (colon cancer, reproductive system and breast cancer)
Enhances self-image (who can't use a little cost free image enhancing)
Relieves stress and anxiety (dissipates those hormones and chemicals that build up during high stress)
Reduces risk of heart disease (non-exercisers have twice the risk of developing heart disease)
Slows the aging process (can I get an amen)
Increases the good HDL cholesterol
Improves the quality of sleep
Improves mental sharpness

Tomorrow's post will be everything you need to know about your target heart rate. Unless you're training to compete you really don't need to kill yourself with the pace so stay tuned!


  1. so inspiring, i love the way you right. i have put down the weights, it's time to pick them back up. thanks to you and your inspiration.

  2. Glad to hear that and thanks for the compliment!
