Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some things are worth repeating - "set goals"

One of my posts several months ago was "Success always comes when preparation meets opportunity." In other words - set goals. You can't achieve success if you're not moving towards a goal.   Set your ultimate goal and then break it down into less overwhelming mini-goals. If your goal is to lose 30 lbs. set a mini goal to lose 2 lbs in two weeks by adding an extra day of cardio and reducing your calories by maybe just giving up bread for a week.  Your body will no doubt adapt to those small changes with weight loss.

Before you set your goal make sure it is a goal that YOU want for yourself.  Not what society or your family and friends want for you but what you want for yourself.  I'm 5'3" and weigh 125 lbs.  I'm always working to reduce fat and tone muscle but I do not want to change my dress size or look really thin.  I personally think mature women look better with some curves. Maybe you can pull skinny off when you're 18 but I'm uh,  not 18 :-)) Point is, society may dictate I weigh 110-115 based on my height but that's not what I want.

Secondly, don't think that once you've set your goal and you fall short of perfection,  you therefore have failed.  If you don't accomplish your goal exactly on schedule, so what?  You just get right back on the wagon and keep your goal the ultimate target.  Don't, I repeat, don't give up just because you fell off the wagon.

Lastly, be realistic about your goals.  If your goal is to lose 35 lbs. so that you weigh the same as you weighed when you got married or graduated from college or any other milestone that is forefront in your memory, maybe that's not realistic.  Maybe that would not fit into your lifestyle today so don't set yourself up for failure.  A goal to feel good and look good and maintain a healthy state might mean only losing 20 lbs. not 35.

Goals provide direction.  The next step is to simply take action.

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. 
-Author, Will Rogers


  1. this post came at such a great time for me. i have a fitness goal that i want to achieve by the end of may. these tips are sure to get me there!

  2. Good luck and I know you can do it! On another topic - if you haven't been watching "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" on Tuesday (abc I believe) check it out. I think it's really awesome what he's trying to accomplish.
