Saturday, March 19, 2011

Power to the Honey Bee!

Not too long ago I did a post on raw, organic honey as a super food.  In it's raw state it maintains its richness in antioxidants & antibacterial qualities plus enzymes that help with digestion.  I also mentioned that Australia's medical profession uses it for wound healing.   The wound healing was a plus but I really didn't elaborate or dig deeper. . . . . until last night.

I roasted some pecans in a large pan with a handle as opposed to the usual baking sheet which was housing my chicken.  I pulled the pecans out of a HOT oven and decided to sample one to make sure it was toasted just right and decided they needed another 5 or so minutes.  I guess it was the sight of the usual friendly handle that made me forget it had just been pulled out of a HOT oven and I grabbed the handle to put back in the oven. Needless to say the pan ended up on the floor with the pecans everywhere.

For hours I alternated putting my hand under running water, holding a baggie with ice (FYI - not supposed to use ice on a burn), putting my hand in water and vinegar (the ph in vinegar neutralizes the skin and draws out the heat), even tried lavender oil (forget why that helps but I was trying everything I had on hand) I'm sure all that helped but my hand was still on fire hours later.

Decided to google burn wound "healing" and up popped honey (raw honey of course as the processed kind loses its healing properties.)  I immediately lathered honey on my hand and I am not kidding when I say within minutes the pain subsided completely.  Ahhhhh such relief.  If you've never had a burn trust me when I say they are painful.  This morning my hand is sticky and maybe still a small sense of what happened but basically it's business as usual.

Not that I wish anyone will need honey for anything other than pure enjoyment but Trader Joe's carries their own brand of raw, organic honey.  It's great.  You can find it at Whole Foods and Kroger as well but you'll pay a few dollars more.  

Power to the Honey Bee!!


  1. been there, done that! try roasting your nuts in a skillet with honey, on the stove top.
