Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spice up your workout with Kettle Bells

Keeping your work-outs fresh and challenging not only keeps you interested but keeps your body and muscles on their game.  Kettle Bells are iron balls with a handle, and if you're looking for something to jump start your exercise program, pick up a couple.

They originated in Russia and have spread throughout the world. They're great for increasing your functional strength which transfers to better daily life or athletic enhancements. AND in most kettle bell exercises the all important CORE is highly involved.

Let's start with one of the basic kettle bell exercises - the SWING.  It develops the lower back, hamstrings and shoulders.   Three muscle groups in one move. You gotta love that!

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.  Hold a kettle bell in both hands; let it hang down in front of you. Using perfect "squat" form bend you knees so that the kettle bell hangs between your legs. Keep your back and arms straight, and swing the kettle bell up away from you until it finishes directly above your head. Control it back down to return it in between your legs. Complete 10 to 15 repetitions. A couple of tips - drive up with your legs and use the momentum of the upward swing of your arms to complete this move.  At no time should you use your lower back to initiate the swing and you want to keep your arms straight throughout the move - no bending the elbows.


  1. where can i find these? spring is here and my arms aren't ready for it!

  2. Play it Again Sports 4279 Roswell Road is an everything fitness store. I started out pricing equipment when I was completing my studio and now I just head there as their prices are as good as I could find.
