Sunday, January 9, 2011

Home Sweet Home

"Always keep Ithaca in your mind. To arrive there is your ultimate goal. But do not hurry the voyage at all. It is better to let it last for many years; and to anchor at the island when you are old, rich with all you have gained on the way, not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches. "
                       from the poem Ithaca by Constantine Cavafy

I am so happy that I've learned to enjoy the journey. It's taken me most of my life to learn to appreciate the things you do each and every day to reach your goal, whatever it might be.  So much more peaceful to embrace each day rather than stress because you're not yet there.  However, there is a big BUT coming.  When it comes to travel (as in planes, trains and automobiles) - BEAM ME UP SCOTTY!

Amazing place California.  But getting there. . . .MARTA, schlepping through the airport, the plane, transportation to the desert.  Not sure which is worse MARTA or sharing a very small space with perfect strangers on a 5 hour plane ride (curse those First Class passengers.)  I find myself casing the people at the gate wondering who will I be rubbing elbows with (not in a good way) for 5 hours.  I was lucky for most of the trips in that I sat next to interesting men and one sweet, sweet 82 year old American woman reading a book in French (her life's work) that made the time well, fly by. 

So it is so nice to be home after two months in California that included a trip home for Thanksgiving and an awesome extended family get together in South Georgia.  Nothing like family. California just as soon be another country when you compare it to the ATL.  The ocean, the desert, mountains, wine country, cosmopolitan areas with wonderful farm to table restaurants, upscale farmers markets that include olive oils,  rich creams and soaps made with goat cheese or avocado, along with the usual toothless farmers with their guavas and berries. Or hippies with canes and baby boomers in biking shorts with some pretty impressive quads!! Now that's what I'm talking about.  I really love California.  It is also where my most favored (and only) son lives. Have I mentioned that? He drove down to La Quinta for Christmas and we took a ride to San Diego through the Santa Rosa mountains.

 Gorgeous!  The hotel I worked with was nestled right at the base of these amazing mountains.  Truly one of the most beautiful Embassy Suites I've seen.

I am SUPER excited to be home!  I'll need to get back in the groove here with my blog and my diet and exercise regime.  Couldn't wait to get to the gym today and sweat as my workouts and diet have been seriously compromised while living and working in a hotel for two months.  But bear with me and let me hear from you as you are a huge reason for my excitement at being home!


  1. I'm very glad you're back. I've really missed your posts. Andy looks fantastic!! I sure did enjoy Waverly Hall ... time spent was way too short.

  2. Love your post. You are so inspiring. Thanks

  3. hee hee. i know what you mean about "checking out" the people at the airport - hoping, just hoping i won't be sat next to that person. i'm awful, i know! so glad you are back and posting, i have really missed your blog post and all the wonderful information you give us. welcome back!

  4. Thanks for the comments! I appreciate the encouragement. My how time flies. . . . .

  5. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog. I'm considering getting my ISSA certification. I can't wait to read more...I'm a new follower.

