If you're struggling with losing weight or maybe you know on an intellectual level you would just plain and simply have fewer aches and pains if you improved your diet and started an exercise program, try making small changes. Baby steps. Once you've mastered a couple of positive changes you can move on to incorporating another. There is such a sense of accomplishment when you know your actions are creating a positive impact, it motivates you to continue.
Try new foods: I'm really bad about this. I have a healthy weekly diet plan, it's easy and so why not stick with a good thing. But on the other hand why limit myself when I can expand my nutritional benefits by trying something different. A diet that includes a
variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and oils also includes lots of vitamins and antioxidants. If a banana is your token fruit, try picking up blueberries or kiwis and have with breakfast or an afternoon snack with some almonds. Shoot for sampling one new ingredient per month.
Cook dinner more often:
After a long day it's much easier when dinner time rolls around to rely on takeout, or a restaurant or throwing together an assortment of packaged foods you've picked up at the grocery store (been there done that.) Tomorrow decide you will plan, shop and cook one meal a week from fresh, whole foods. When you make your own dinner you control the ingredients and the portion sizes and it will be healthier for sure.
Preparedbypaige blog has been an unbelievable resource for me. Her recipes are easy and always with fresh, whole ingredients. She does the work for you as far as trying out new and different foods.
Eat breakfast every day:
You may skip because you're short on time but there is a reason it is called the most important meal of the day. People who eat breakfast everyday are leaner and more alert and attentive at work. It gets your metabolism cranked up and ready for the day. Eggs are quick and easy to cook, whether you boil in advance or scramble so try having a egg with whole wheat toast and some fruit. Breakfast options are endless so get creative and find something that you like and can be prepared in your timeframe. If you're not eating breakfast let this be your FIRST baby step.
Snack more healthfully:
Little meals between meals keeps your metabolism stoked, keeps your blood sugar levels stable and is also a good way to round out your day's total nutrition. For example, snacks offer an opportunity to add healthful lean protein if it will not be part of lunch or dinner. Keep peanut butter on hand to have on apple slices, or mixed nuts.
Whatever you choose make sure it is not an empty calorie but one that provides nutritional value. For example, a pretzel isn't high in calories but it's not adding to the total nutritional picture so why fill up on foods that offer nothing but calories when you can fill up with foods that "nourish" your body.